A Second Wind
Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we Continue in the book of Revelation with Chapter 21 and in today's text we see the new earth is an eternal Earth that God promised Isaiah and the new Jerusalem is where God dwells among His people. In this " the tabernacle of God is with men" we see the New Jerusalem comes down to be with us. Just as God became man in Jesus Christ and lived among us, John gives us a description of this wonderful place, it's joy, and His presence. I am so glad that the Lord gave us this glimpse of the New Heaven and Earth and although it is hard to grasp with our finite minds, the truth of its existence is exciting. In making application, this truth should motivate us to continue in hard times. It is like the marathon runner who is exhausted and wants to quit but sees the finish line in the distance which gives him the second wind to continue. The glimpse of Heaven from Revelation should help us continue in the power of the Holy Spirit to walk in victory daily. How about you? Do you get tired and weary serving the lord? Look unto your Heavenly finish line and get your second wind to finish the race with the Author and Finisher of your Faith, Jesus-Christ.