The United States Bible Society, Inc.

America's Bible Society continuing to distribute the original word for word transliteration of the Holy Bible

Giving: Donations
The United States Bible Society, Inc. is a Registered 501(c)3 Charitable Organization
Welcome to the U.S.Bible Society Donation Page
3 Ways to Give:
(1) Give Direct Here Through our Secure Servers:
(2) Give Through PayPal by Clicking the PayPal Link:
(3) Or Mail Your Tax Deductible Gift to:
The United States Bible Society, Inc.
3275 Iris Drive SE
Conyers, Ga. 30013
Thank you for giving to this work,
As director of this Ministry I take every gift and pray that the Lord would use and multiply your gift just as He did the loaves and fishes in the book of Matthew. I too am major contributor to this work and can testify to the blessing of giving to the Lord's work. I placed this page in the Worship Section because I believe that giving is great part of Worship. It truly expresses your heart just as the Scriptures proclaim. Please pray for the Lord to guide you in your giving and if you give to this work you can rest assured that I will use it for His Glory as we Reach the World with the Word of God.
In His Service,
Dr. David Burnette