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U.S.B.S: Church Partners

Claim Your Zip Code for Your Church

Fund Your Claim Here via Pay Pal

($25 a Month)(Purpose=ZipCode)

Your Details Were Sent Successfully! You Have 30 Days to Arrange Funding to Have Your Church Information Included with every Bible Delivered in Your Area.

     Fill Out This Form to Claim Your Zip Code

Or Fund Your Claim by Mail:

The United States Bible Society, Inc.

5544 Forest Drive

Loganville Ga. 30052

Attn: Zip Code Claims


Hello Friends, My Name is David Burnette, Director a 501(c)3 Ministry that distributes Free Bibles to those in need who contact us. We Currently distribute an  average of 3000 Bibles a Month but are not reaching 100% of the Bibles Requested. This  growth has us restructuring our Method and We Need Your Help. 


Our Current Method

1) We receive a Bible Request

2) We contact a Church in their Zip Code

3) The CHURCH then gets a Bible and Contacts them to pick it up at their Church.

4) Our Goal is to connect the Requester with the Word and a local Church. 

The Challenge: 

1) Even though we explain the Process the Bible Requester has a problem understanding the system 

2) Many Churches are not prepared to help and follow through 

3) Many 3rd World requests go unfulfilled due to a shortage of local Churches


Our New Method 

1) We receive a Bible Request

2) We Supply and Ship the Bible to the Requester.

3) We will make a Book Mark telling that YOUR CHURCH Provided the Bible for them. 

4) We will include the book mark with YOUR CHURCH in their Bible.

The Challenge:

1) The Cost, we will need each Church to give $25 a month to cover the costs of Bibles, Shipping, and Printing.


Can Your Church Help? Please Fill Out the Form to Claim Your Zip Code.

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